Increased commercial connectivity, near to complete reliance on technology, sophisticated cyber criminals, and unprecedented crises all around the globe—regulators in all industries are responding to protect consumer and citizen interests with sharper statutes on operational resilience.
What’s the answer? Full transparency into your processes, IT and data—the foundation of your business. Eliminating unnecessary complexity to reduce threats and increase agility. Mitigating risk to ensure delivery of goods and services. Great resilience—even better business.
What is Operational Resilience?
Operational resilience is recognized worldwide as the right response to the risk imposed by the high level of interconnectedness across businesses, markets and government organizations. Regulators in all corners of the globe are imposing laws and regulations such as the CPS 230 in Australia and DORA in the EU to ensure market stability and uphold consumer trust and confidence. Although regionally enacted, many regulations require compliance outside regional borders.
Operational resilience is not new but it is increasing in its scope of activities going far beyond business continuity and data recovery planning. Whether driven by law or as to stay competitive, the goal of operational resilience is to ensure a company can respond and recover quickly from a disruption—and to prevent disruption from happening in the first place.
Build your operational resilience with the right solutions. Alfabet and ARIS help business and IT navigate the stormy seas of operational threats and sail smoothly through regulatory obligations.
What’s the end game in Operational Resilience?
Now is not the time to let down your guard. Disruption may be a fact of business life but that doesn’t mean you have to welcome it in. Having the right capabilities in place is your first line of defense. Resist, react and rebound with solid footing on a foundation built on proven practices managing business processes and the IT portfolio.