With their index, DHA is capturing significant insights into its process automation percentage, RACI allocation for each process, process validity, the status of operational controls, process measure fulfillment and more. “ARIS creates a perfect foundation towards establishing a strong and agile process maturity index in DHA. It powers a transparent environment that enables continuous screening of the processes and their capabilities against maturity goals,” said Omar Nasralla, Head of BPM section, DHA.

And the organization’s achievements haven’t gone unnoticed. Recently DHA received an intellectual classification certificate for their solution issued by the UAE Ministry of Economy.

The democratization of process excellence: a tool for everyone

The value for DHA’s index in terms of continued operational excellence is clear. But what makes it sustainable is its usability and adoption by those in the organization: The ARIS tool doubles up as a collaboration portal allowing teams to bring up their scores, benchmark them against DHA’s maturity pillars and compare their performance with other departments. This has helped business units to further identify process gaps and highlight areas for improvement. And it’s anchoring process excellence into the DHA’s culture of operations. “Our maturity index helps us keep process excellence front and center as we leverage Dubai’s healthcare potential and—because it’s so engaging—it’s a tool for everyone both now and in the future;” says Omar Nasralla, Head of BPM Section, DHA.