
Forrester Consulting study: The Total Economic Impact™ of ARIS

Forrester Consulting study: The Total Economic Impact™ of Software AG’s ARIS*

Any investment comes with a bit of risk. But you can minimize that risk by listening to the experts. When it comes to investing millions in your business transformation initiative, you need to make sure to invest in the best solution. Trust the experts from the Forrester Consulting team. They recently published the Total Economic Impact™ of ARIS* study, outlining the real possibility that there’s an $8 million opportunity hidden in your processes. The economic impact of these benefits is real – and significant. The study finds that in over three years ARIS customers can expect:

  • 301% return on investment (ROI)
  • $7.9 million total benefits over three years
  • $5.9 million net present value (NPV)

Through a series of interview with ARIS customers, the study finds that a consolidated approach is key for organizations to succeed in transformational change based on a solution that streamlines processes from strategy to operations. ARIS customers were able to analyze operations and define strategy-based frameworks for business transformation—and effectively execute those strategies toward operational excellence while securing internal and external compliance. Read the report, with our compliments.

“We wanted to scale up our own muscle around process knowledge and optimization, and we wanted to have a scalable cloud-based application for this. ARIS capably provided this for us at the enterprise level.”
—Senior process leader at a technology company

*The Total Economic Impact™ of Software AG’s ARIS is a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Software AG